Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Now I know that most of my posts are critical, however, this past week, I was impressed with a show that I watch.  The title of the show is Castle, and I must say that in a world of dying ideas, this show had life.  Since I do not wish to give away plot details to the episode I watched, I shal remain as vague as possible, only being able to say that there was a plot twist beyond worthy of M. Night Shyamalan.  Upon seeing this, I felt encouraged and reasured that there are new ideas in this world, it just takes someone bold enough to present them.  The media I see today is full of copies, repeats and unoriginality, however, as long as one show remains original, there is still hope. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Songs are things that everyone hears every day, except for deaf or uncultured people.  In fact, I would go as far to say that one couldn't go for an hour awake without hearing a song of some sort.  (Note that you should be awake.)  I believe that songs are a wonderful thing, however, I don't agree that all songs are music.  Music is something that a person plays or sings.  It involves talent, and creativity.  Songs now-a-days are talentless, and generic.  Most singers are auto-tuned, most instruments are electronic, and each song is practically the same.  A catchy electronic riff with an auto-tuned voice singing the same word over and over is not music.  To add to this, singers get so exploited that they usually don't make more than a few big hits since people get tired of them.  So the next time you listen to a song, think about whether it's music or not. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Media Obsessions Continued

Alright, so last week (aka the post bellow) I wrote critically on the media obsession of the royal wedding, however, there is a new media obsession.  This obsession is over the death of Osama Bin Laden.  Now I am less critical of this due to three certain things.  1: The relevance to our lives.  The death of a leader in the world's most well known terrorist group is a huge relief for many, and has changed people's lives more than a wedding in another country between a royal prince and some lady.  (Note my care on such details) 2: the media has not gone overboard with information.  Every article found on the royal wedding went down to details like who was invited, where in Osama's case, every article released information such as where, when, and how the death happened.  3:  the simple fact that after Osama’s death, I have not heard a word from the media about the "happy couple."  nuff' said.