Monday, September 26, 2011

Castle: original as ever

Alright, so despite the late hour I needed to stay up to to write this I must say I am impressed.  In most mystery shows I am usually able to figure out  who the culprit is but tonight's Castle definitely threw me a curve-ball.  The show was about a vigilante killer who used a sword to cut someone in half, and since I unfortuneately refuse to spoil the ending, I still must say the killer made perfect sense and I didn't suspect him at all.  This leads me back to the idea of writers simply being lazy and not coming up with new idea's. To be original is not diffcult, as shown with shows like Castle, and I still stand firmly on the belief that new ideas are capable of coming from anywhere.  To conclude, I would like to go as far as saying that when people say, "It's all been done before."  that we have only scratched the surface of new ideas.

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