Monday, January 23, 2012


So, this week I have decided to focus on the idea of human dependency on technology.  Rather than defend the idea that human beings aren't totaly dependent on technology like so many other people I know, I will just come out and say it.  People are dependent on technology.  Now it is true that much of todays modern media isn't necessary for life, and if it all went away we could just all turn to the Amish society for help, but the fact is it all isn't going to magically disapear, and everyone reading this right now is already using technology, so...  I do believe we as people are dependent.  Every day before I leave the house, I at the very least am carrying an iPod in my pocket.  Cellphones are replacing house phones and traveling with people everywhere.  Smartphones, iPads, Teleporters (ok, so I made the lastone up... sue me)  and other bits of technology are being used everyday, becoming apart of our lifestyle.  Despite all of this, I feel absolutly fine about it.  In many of my posts I am critical of much of our modern society for a variety of things.  Overuse of cursing, sating Imma for I am going to, certaint veiws on specific actions... but technology is apart of development.  It is advancement on humanity, and like tools were in ancient time, technology is a stepping stone to the future.

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